There was a pretty famous story about a storage unit of 3M parts lost in the southern region of the USA.
With the help of Randy Blevins, I discovered a stock pile of original 3M parts that remained from the 3M factory. These parts first went to a company called Electro Technology, the first authorized 3M service center after Mincom decided to not support the 3M machines. A great tech named Bart Gass then purchased the remainder and continued working. When Bart fell ill, a 3M tech in Athens, Ga named Otho Wilburn purchased them. As Otho also became ill, he lost them to a company storing his belongings and I bought the remaining stock. Randy Blevins and I brought 10 3M tape machines, and 20 plus boxes of parts back to Nashville. After only a year and a half, I have helped 3M owners all over the world resurrect their machines. I also returned Mitch Easter’s 3M M23 two track and Lyrec 24trk which were in the storage unit. Also an audiotronics Grandson console that belonged to Otto Fagen was returned. Those items were sent in for repair, and never thought to be seen again.
I’m still looking for Nashville Record Productions’ Sontec Mastering EQ that is in the suburbs of Atlanta somewhere.
With the help of Brian Kehew (Recording the Beatles), I have purchased Corky Tanassy’s collection of 3M Parts. His collection contained parts and pieces from Electro Technology, and Westlake Audio, both major 3M players at the time. 13 full boxes. M23 to M79!
In 2014, while helping record "Garth Brooks Live at the Wynn" show in Las Vegas, I met engineer named Lou Carto. Bart Guass had been the main repair tech at Lou Carto Sr.'s studio. After Bart's failing health, the Carto family bought all of Bart's left over 3M machines and parts. I was able to secure many, many 3M parts that were left over from Bart's Electro Technology stash, that he kept and did not sell to Otho.
My Inventory is currently VERY large. I have it organized for me to find what is needed. So far I have not had time to inventory it to provide a list of parts for people to buy.
From M23, M56, M64 and M79, I either have it or can find out a way to make it.
Visit My Ebay store for 3M Parts and interesting odds and ends!